
Flexible images cover a wide range of screens ranging from mobile devices, tablets and laptops to large desktop screens. Images can have fixed dimensions, fluid dimensions or a combination of two. You can also upload twice as large images to cover Retina and other high PPI displays. Furthermore, there’s Lightbox with ability to create galleries included!

Cubes Vanessa Gong

YouTube videos

Konzept has YouTube API integrated for the best embeding and watching experience. Konzept YouTube videos are iPhone and iPad compatible. The video presents full installation and configuration of Konzept theme (8:07 minutes).

[youtube link=""]

Vimeo videos

Konzept supports Vimeo videos in portfolio, on standard pages and on blog pages. All Konzept Vimeo videos are responsive and iPhone and iPad compatible. This video presents a quick preview of what Typography Plugin is capable of doing. It’s one of the most advanced font management tools out there!

[vimeo link=""]

HTML5 videos

Konzept supports HTML5 videos in portfolio, on standard pages and on blog pages. All Konzept HTML5 videos are responsive and iPhone and iPad compatible! We’re using custom HTML5 video player skin to ensure the style, look and feel of the player matches the general style of the website.

[video mp4="../vid.mp4" ogg="../vid.ogg" webm="../vid.webm" poster="../vid.jpg"]

Google Maps v3 API Integration

Konzept has Google Maps API v3 integrated. This means it supports advanced maps features such as custom styling or custom markers. For convenience of users we simplified shortcode that produces Google Maps to the most basic functions only but with little effort and some knowledge you can turn it into powerful tool!

[gmap latitude="35.631219" longitude="139.769356" zoom="12" "width=100%" height="390px"]